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The Gospel of Flies by Bethany W. Pope

Published February 1, 2014
Chapbook - 32 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 9781495247309
He pries open her mouth,
green tinted teeth,
foam spittle, the scent
of gone milk.

'Have to reach in to check it.'
He rolls up his sleeve and vanishes
to the elbow, grunting, finding nothing.
The vet cries on extraction,
a harsh mannish bark,
'Bitch got me with her teeth.'

- Rabies

$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Bethany W Pope is an award winning author of the LBA, and a finalist for the Faulkner-Wisdom Awards. She was a runner up for the Cinnamon Press Novel Competition. She received her PhD from Aberystwyth University's Creative Writing program.