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Crazytown by Peggy Schimmelman

Published December 31, 2016
Chapbook - 58 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 9781541337527
Mom cowering upstairs / after
the beating / she grasping
the hammer / twelve years
of Sunday School / and still she
was torn / between honoring
her father / and killing him.

Peggy Schimmelman's book, "Crazytown", offers an honest and perceptive look at some of the harsh realities of life. Her poignant perspective on the fallout of relationships and the interior wrestling match between our thoughts, desires and emotions is metaphorically expressed in her poems. This is a powerful book that is destined to have an impact on all who read it.

Kevin N. Gunn - Poet Laureate, Livermore


$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Peggy Schimmelman is the author of the novel Whippoorwills and the novella One Day You're a Diamond. Her work has appeared in, Aleola, PacificReview, Comstock Review, Kind of a Hurricane Press, and others. She is currently working on a second novella and a collection of flash fiction.