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Clouds in the Corner by Anna Kist

Published June 18, 2018
Chapbook - 35 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 978-1721064700
Had a night sniper attraction
for a fraction of my youth,
Now I just spook the straights with curls
I’ve unfurled in my hair and left in the sink.
Don’t think, just rinse and flee,
find something other than me
for the torrents in life
The currents you fight but embrace
with just one turn of the face
When you say it’s right
But I’m left.
— Left
$10.00 USD
(Free PDF with Purchase)

About the author:
Kist grew up in the swamps of south Louisiana writing ever since she was child. Then she roamed the country, found her footing and came back home working as a freelancer with a bachelor’s in journalism.