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Rust & Blood -- Dragon's Bane Series: Book 2 by Azriel Johnson

Published December 31, 2016
Novel - 348 pages, 6" x 9", ISBN: 9781541383791
Aurora Gerstung, mother of John Ross, is approached for an interview by a reporter from Bellato. She delves into the story of her life with the back drop of the war between Dragons and Humans.

Young Aurora embarks on a difficult journey to find her boyhood crush. Later, she struggles between forbidden love and loyalty to her family and Humanity. In a final showdown, she faces a foe who can control the minds of those around him.

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About the author:
Azriel Johnson is cautiously optimistic about the future of the Human race, Dragons or no. He believes in prophecy and the Dragon's Bane Series comes straight from a part of himself he believes probably exists... somewhere....

Crazytown by Peggy Schimmelman

Published December 31, 2016
Chapbook - 58 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 9781541337527
Mom cowering upstairs / after
the beating / she grasping
the hammer / twelve years
of Sunday School / and still she
was torn / between honoring
her father / and killing him.

Peggy Schimmelman's book, "Crazytown", offers an honest and perceptive look at some of the harsh realities of life. Her poignant perspective on the fallout of relationships and the interior wrestling match between our thoughts, desires and emotions is metaphorically expressed in her poems. This is a powerful book that is destined to have an impact on all who read it.

Kevin N. Gunn - Poet Laureate, Livermore


$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Peggy Schimmelman is the author of the novel Whippoorwills and the novella One Day You're a Diamond. Her work has appeared in, Aleola, PacificReview, Comstock Review, Kind of a Hurricane Press, and others. She is currently working on a second novella and a collection of flash fiction.

When Science Collapses by Christopher Hivner

Published December 31, 2016
Chapbook - 40 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 978154133723
Find another layer,
go deeper
to before I knew you,
to thoughts I had
as a young man,
pull up those bones,
crush them between your teeth
to bathe in the marrow,
find out
what you think
made me the way I am.


$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Christopher Hivner writes from a small town in Pennsylvania surrounded by books and the echoes of music.
Facebook: Christopher Hivner - Author
Twitter: @Your_screams

if the moon was right by Marc Mannheimer

Published December 31, 2016
Chapbook - 36 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 978-1541188006
"like Ghandian gangstas

they inspect the stones
test their feet
on the sun-hot, steel rail

decide to venture
the fence beyond,
a feathery posse
who appear now as
bandmates -
British mods, boy beats,
New York glams, L.A. punks"
- totem 

$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Marc Mannheimer's impetus behind writing "if the moon was right" was to compose a poetic autobiography. From a Charlie Brown childhood to late-teen psychiatric indigestion and a Renaissance in his prime, this book just about covers it all.