The Good, The Bad, The Lorraine by Lorraine Cipriano

Published May 28, 2018
Chapbook - 44 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 978-1720391654
feeling it deep down in her core
flowing streams of words
washing away like white sand
all of the dreams spoken of
sadness sparks aflame the ocean red
blowing out the dangerous fire
completely by herself
wanting it to be different
needing someone to embrace fully
a Lorrainaholic existence
$10.00 USD
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About the author:
Lorraine Cipriano has just written a steampunk haiku across your heart and it is starting to infect you with its octopus tentacles. She can be typically found hanging out in a whimsical world of haiku, tanka and poetry where she is the gatekeeper to a large collection of Buddhist, feminist, steampunk and horror filled imagery scrolled in purple.