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Piercing Words ...from the Heart by Diwakar Pokhriyal

Published October 1, 2014
Chapbook - 46 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 9781502357502
I believe in god
Yet dissolves agony in love
I believe in truth
Yet capture ruthlessly - "a free dove"

I believe in god
And live in discriminative senses
I believe in love
Yet dances
frenetically on past
and future tenses

I believe in god
Yet endlessly fights
for religion
I believe in trust
Yet murder
relationships in

- I Believe in God

$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Diwakar Pokhriyal is a writer by passion.
He has written 8 poetry books and 1 short story collection which are published.
He has been a part of 46 poetry anthologies/magazines with poets around the world.
His work could be found in different website and his own blog.
He is also a rhythmic guitarist and a song writer.
He works with GRV Band and the songs can be enjoyed at the YouTube channel of GRV Band.