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Unbound by Lorraine Cipriano

Published November 9, 2014
Chapbook - 40 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 9781503053496
ahhh...the fresh cotton aroma
clean linen flapping in the wind
dashing back into the house
curtains blowing slightly open
taking the bowl of cherries
picking out the ripest one
quickly knotting the stem
with her tongue, effortless
a challenge of truth or dare
dare to escape her romance?

- Cherries
$10.00 USD

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About the author:
Lorraine Cipriano is an award-winning poet who writes about a variety of topics such as feminist issues, Buddhist monk meditation discourse, and alternative hip-hop rhymes. She is also the Co-Founder of a long-running literary series at the Sanger Branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library called 'Women Unbound.'