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Cannons, Muskets and Broken Pens by Cher Guevara

Published November 16, 2016
Double Chapbook - 60 pages, 5.5" x 8.5", ISBN: 978-1539748151
"In a thousand different cities;
Standing up
And sharing poetry
With the zeal and lust
Of hellfire preachers
And angry rioters.

I want poetry to be alive and dangerous again."

- Hopes of a Young American Poet

"One last fix
Of powder and steel.
One last time
Where "The Mercy Seat"
Is mutter in prayer
To short-circuit electric hands.
Last march out;
March as brothers,
Charge as brothers,
Fall as brothers."

- Last Look Across the Burning Field

$10.00 USD
Double Chapbook

(plus FREE PDF)

About the author:
Cher Guevara has become a mainstay in the emerging Terre Haute poetry scene where their hardcore verse and often intense performances have drawn praise and condemnation. Their work has been published in a wide variety of publications and they have released three albums of their live performances.